Sunday, July 22, 2012

Off-Line Messaging and Attendance

"Tweet" a message on a sticky note!

I left them a "Tweet"

Always THINK before you "tweet"
This is another way for students to practice writing and communication skills.  Students may "tweet" each other or me each morning as they come into the classroom.  Students only have to follow the THINK guideline before leaving messages.

This area also serves as a reminder that students need to retrieve their clip from their locker handles and place along the ribbon.  This helps me easily see who has arrived for the day just by glancing at the ribbon or lockers.  Students will return their clips to their lockers each afternoon.  My attendance leader will collect tweets for me and let me know who is absent.

Since sixth graders are involved in so many early morning activities outside the classroom, this clip system should come in very handy.  Of course, we will practice this procedure many times!

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